Strong retro style Hamilton Khaki Field watch

Hamilton, different from the Swiss watch brand. This watch brand from the United States has a strong brand color in both the style and concept of tabulation. In the same price, Replica Hamilton watch also attracts users with its excellent appearance design and brand characteristics. Today, watch house will give you a detailed appreciation of a retro style wristwatch from the brand hamilton Khaki field replica watch series. How can it stand out in the market with so many retro style products? (model: h70605731)

If we talk about Hamilton, we have to talk about the origin of brand and film industry. Many of the watchmaking brands have participated in the film shooting or been worn by famous TV movie stars. Until now, this model is still very popular and popular. Fans will want to learn about wristwatches because they are interested in movies or movie stars themselves. And this Hamilton Khaki field series wristwatch, also has a great origin with the film.

In the famous movie star trek, the brand made a “Murph” props list for the movie. Named after Murph Cooper, only 10 were made. The film was released in 2014 and has since sparked an upsurge in the study of interstellar travel around the world. And this watch follows the original Murphy design, which can be said to bring the film vividly to us again.

The design of this watch still follows the rugged aesthetic style of American style. The dial design of Arabic digital time scale and big three needle dial is still used. The time scale and pointer are all treated with luminous coating. For the friends who love retro style, it is undoubtedly the most fitting “retro style” wrist watch in the same price.

On the selection of watch case material, fine steel material is the most suitable material for commuting and daily watch. The 42 mm case diameter is also suitable for most men to choose and wear. As can be seen from the side of the watch case, the thickness of the watch is not heavy. The streamlined design of the watch case makes this watch more suitable for human wrist lines “H” is engraved on the crown of the watch, symbolizing the brand name “Hamilton”

In order to make the overall design more in line with the style of returning to work, the wristwatch strap has been selected with animal patterns. Generally speaking, leather watch strap gives people a more formal and elegant feeling, but with the sewing edge of the outer seam, combined with the design of the watch buckle with clear lines, the overall design style is unified from the details.